Sleep++ 2.0 monitora la qualità del sonno con iPad

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Sleep++ 2.0

E’ stato rilasciato in questi giorni l’aggiornamento alla versione 2.0 per quanto riguarda l’applicazione Sleep++ 2.0, con cui gli utenti in possesso di un iPad potranno monitorare al meglio la qualità del sonno.

Ecco le sue specifiche ufficiali:

– The sleep analysis algorithm has been completely overhauled to allow for more fine grained sleep-type characterization. It can now accurately differentiate between deep sleep, light sleep, restlessness and wakefulness. These algorithmic improvements greatly increase the usefulness of the data collected.
– The HealthKit support for the app has been greatly improved beyond the the basic data previously collected. Detailed analysis of your night is now saved in Health for further use.
– A night detail screen now provides for more clear explanation of the quality of each night, telling you when you slept well and when you were restless.
– You can now trim nights from the detail screen, useful for when you forget to stop the sleep analysis when you wake up in the morning.
– The app now more fully supports time zone changes letting you get a more consistent view of your sleep as you travel.

Vi lasciamo a questo punto al suo download, disponibile tramite l’apposito link.

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