Flex Brightness per iPad: ecco l’app che regola la temperatura del display

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Flex Brightness

Ha un costo pari a 2,99 euro, ma sta prendendo piede rapidamente l’applicazione Flex Brightness e serve per regolare la temperatura dello schermo di un modello dotato del sistema operativo iOS. Quindi iPad compresi.

Quali sono dunque i principali punti di forza di questa applicazione? Eccoli elencati:

– Smart eye strain calculator to monitor exposure to blue light.
– Prompt you if high blue light exposure is detected before bedtime.
– Provide warning and exercises to rest your eyes when high strain is detected throughout the day.
– Set daytime brightness and nighttime brightness for your device
– App will determine your local sunrise and sunset times to use for day and night brightness if you like
– App will record your device brightness for 24 hours and present it in beautiful and dynamic bar chart.
– Support for 3D Touch on iPhone 6S

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